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Search results for "DrVB"

Domain and Range of Functions

Added Feb 4, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Finds the domain and the range of functions - rational/irrational functions. Shows its graph. (Enter 1 for denominator if that is the case)

Arithmetic Sequence - Find any term

Added Jan 28, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Given any two terms in an arithmetic sequence, find any other term in the same sequence. (No need to know the common difference)

Geometric Sequence - Find the COMMON RATIO

Added Jan 29, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Given any two terms in a geometric sequence, find the common ratio r, which is given by r = X(n) / X(n-1).

Rate of Change

Added Jan 28, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Calculates the rate of change (or the percentage change) between two numbers. Negative answers mean that the change is decrease.

Amount BEFORE a percentage change

Added Jan 27, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Calculates the amount after percentage change (increase or decrease/discount).

Amount before percentage change

Added Jan 26, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Calculates the amount before percentage change (increase or decrease). Find the price before discount.

Amount after percentage change

Added Jan 22, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Calculate the amount after percent increase or decrease

Solve Quadratic Equations

Added Jan 15, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Displays the graph and finds the solutions (roots) of a quadratic equation.

Percent of a Number

Added Jan 14, 2014 by DrVB in Mathematics

Calculates the percent of a number.

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