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Play with color, tint and shade; blend; or find complements.
Specify a color using red-green-blue (RGB) values:
Convert a hexadecimal RGB color to HSL representation:
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Image Processing
Alter an image with digital tools.
Apply a filter to an image:
Apply various effects to an image:
Apply a morphological operator to an image:
Detect features of an image:
Perform color processing:
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Document Length
See if your writing measures up to expectations.
Do document-length calculations:
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Display Formats
Ensure an optimal display format is used.
Compute display characteristics from pixel count:
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Measure twice, compute unit conversions once.
Get unit conversions for a quantity:
Do a calculation with units:
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Famous Artwork
Learn more about your favorite works of art.
Get information about a work of art:
Look up a property of a work of art:
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Improve your digital photography skills.
Compute field or angle of view:
Compute other parameters:
Get properties of a photo size:
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Generate various types of barcodes.
Encode a string of digits as a barcode:
Generate a barcode corresponding to an ISBN-10:
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Notable Texts
Examine influential works of literature.
Find the length of part of a novel:
Find the most frequent two-word phrases in a poem:
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Packing & Covering of Objects
Compute the amount of supplies needed for an arts-and-crafts project.
Estimate the number of objects required to cover a specified area:
Estimate the number of objects required to circle another object:
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